New Business Domain Registry


New Business Domain Registry

Reach new businesses who have just registered a web address directly through a domain name registrar.

Total Universe – 15,596,714

Monthly Hotlines Available

Emails Available

Phones Available

Business address Available

Reach new businesses with this file containing records of companies that have just registered a web address directly through a domain name registrar. The majority of these companies have just opened their doors (or are about to open their doors) for business.

Records on this file include domain registration name, company name, web address, email address and phone number of registrant. Records on this file are all time stamped.

Selects available on this file include: URL’s registered date, URL’s administrative contact, and URL’s technical contact.

The value of these records is they are fresh, accurate, and represent a new select source of new businesses.

Records include US, Canada and international registrations.

All our list are CAN-SPAM compliant, opt-in email list is regularly updated to remove opt-outs and bad email addresses to ensure high deliverability.

We guarantee 100{03872ad8ad12611b6b0d4417ba74d617adc21867db9b76b2359df216f8489da0} deliverability when we deploy your email marketing campaign and provide a detailed click and opens report following the deployment.